Last Year with ShipStation: 2016’s Top 10 Blogs

We hope you all had a great few days of relaxation over the weekend! We know you’re probably knee deep in returns (and we’ll have some content for you about that in the next little bit) but to get you through to the new year, we wanted to give you a quick recap of 2016’s Top 10 Blogs:
The Branded Tracking Page

Your online presence makes a huge difference when it comes to customers deciding where to shop. The biggest piece of that is your branding; thus the Branded Tracking Page. Since customers open tracking emails—and click the tracking link—on average over 3 times, we built a tracking page that gives your customers all the information they need, while also reinforcing you and your brand. If you haven’t tried it out yet, click here to learn more.
Carrier Rate Increases in 2017
If you’ve been selling online for any period of time, you know the carrier rates go up at least once a year. We gathered those increases in one spot so you can be prepared. Some of them have already gone into effect, while you might have a few more weeks for others. Either way, keep a close eye out as rates are going up. No matter what, ShipStation will still offer you the best USPS rates available! Click here to see what’s happening with rates in 2017.
User Success Check-Up with FringeSport
FringeSport’s been using ShipStation pretty much since our creation. Their growth is nothing short of extraordinary, so we sat down with Peter Keller to talk about it! Watch that chat below or click here:
[youtube id=”Cq9YOysC8yQ”]
Using Facebook Ads for eCommerce
Around summertime, we spent a couple of months exploring Facebook & Instagram and how you could better utilize both (more on Instagram in a few spots) to get more attention on your online store. In particular, we gave some real attention to Facebook ads and why you ought to incorporate them into your business plan. Revisit WHY we think they’re so important by clicking here.
A Look at Multi-Channel Selling
Did you know you stand to have upwards of 14x the number of orders with 4 selling channels during the holidays than if you just sell on one marketplace? We looked at 2015’s numbers to populate the infographic in our look at multi-channel selling and you’d better believe we’ll be updating that soon enough with 2016’s statistics. The big take-away? You NEED to sell on multiple channels; otherwise, you’re leaving money on the table. Read more here.
2016 Ship By Dates
For as long as we’ve been around, we’ve wanted to make sure domestic online sellers know when to get packages out the door in time for Christmas. Our fifth infographic was our best yet and as always, y’all made it a success by sharing it, printing it, and using it in the weeks leading up to the holiday. We know Christmas just came and went, but it’s never too late to be nostalgic, right? Click here to see the infographic.
Instagram for eCommerce
Told you we’d talk about Instagram! We dig into why it’s an important part of connecting and interacting with your customers. We love it, frankly: it tends to be a spot where you can show off more of your personality and some of the behind-the-scenes that folks tend to eat up. If you need more convincing, though, just click here!
FedEx Small Business Grant
Every year, FedEx holds their Small Business Grant contest, where ecommerce stores compete (via votes) to win grants of different sizes. Each year, ShipStation users wind up bringing home some of the prizes and this year was no different! This is one contest you’ll want to be on the lookout for come 2017, so learn about last year’s contest when you click here.
Keep Track of Inventory in ShipStation
Depending on what you need from an inventory solution, our native inventory services might be what you need! You can allocate products based on order priority, set notifications to keep orders from shipping if you don’t have enough stock and even more. Learn more about our inventory solution but also how we integrate with partners and their inventory by clicking here.
Using Fulfillment Services to Enter the International Market
While selling on multiple channels is an easy growth hack for your online business, selling internationally is the master-level hack. If you’re a little unsure about shipping costs or viability, take some of the risk out and use a fulfillment service, like Fulfillment By Amazon UK, for example, to break into overseas markets. Once you have a handle on that, start selling all over the world! It’s your oyster, afterall. Read more here.