ShipStation’s Ecommerce Roundup – July 10, 2018

Published on January 4, 2022
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Filed under Shipping News
Read time 5 Minutes

Hi y’all! My sincerest apologies for the gap between roundups. A few weeks ago I managed to fracture all five metatarsals in my right foot (impressive, right?). Needless to say, things have been a little more hectic than usual.

While I unfortunately still have a shattered foot, I’ve at least gotten my calendar under control. And I can finally get back to writing the ShipStation Ecommerce Roundup!

Hope you like this week’s selection!

Pssst… Looking for previous editions of the ecommerce roundup? Here you go!
May 8, May 15, May 22, May 29, June 5.


Ecommerce Roundup - Econsultancy Logo

How to boost organic search traffic for large ecommerce sites

A smart search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is important for any brand. But for ecommerce brands, SEO is mission-critical. Because you’re not just competing against retail behemoths like Amazon and eBay. You’re also going up against hundreds, if not thousands, of stores just like yours. Discover a few ecommerce SEO fundamentals to help you reach the top of the search results.


Ecommerce Roundup - Effective Spend Logo

Amazon Customer Survey on Impacts of Prime Fee Increase

Last month, I, along with 100 million of my fellow subscribers, started paying 20% more for Amazon Prime. And for many subscribers, that fee bump made the return no longer worth the investment. Here’s a thorough analysis of how Amazon Prime’s fee increase may impact membership.


Ecommerce Roundup - eMarketer Logo

Shoppers May Shun Retailers with Poor Product Suggestions

Using a recipient’s first name was the be-all, end-all of email marketing personalization. Now it can actually look kind of spammy. So how can ecommerce brands effectively personalize emails? Product recommendations. But there’s a caveat: those recommendations can’t be generic. They must be based on that specific person’s behavior. Take a look at eMarketer’s rundown on email personalization.


Ecommerce Roundup - Digital Commerce 360 Logo

Is selling on Amazon right for you?

Your online store is killing it. You’ve been in the black for months. Now it’s time to expand your reach. It’s time for Amazon! Well, maybe. Selling on the Amazon Marketplace can be a super effective way to grow your business. But it’s definitely not the best route for every ecommerce brand. Find out if selling on Amazon makes sense for you.


Ecommerce Roundup - Multichannel Merchant Logo

Identifying the Right Market for
Your Ecommerce Fulfillment Center

Maybe your ecommerce business has grown to the point where you need a legit distribution center (congrats!) Or maybe you’ve had a warehouse for a while, but it’s no longer meeting your needs. Either way, you’re looking at a complex (and likely quite expensive) project. See how to make sure you take the right approach to establishing a new fulfillment center.


Ecommerce Roundup - Retail Customer Experience Logo

How to make the shopper’s buying experience
a competitive differentiator

Building customer loyalty goes way beyond product quality. Because plenty of brands can offer identical merchandise for the same price. You don’t just want to be the store a shopper buys from once. You want to be the store a shopper keeps coming back to, even if your competitors can offer a better deal. To create this kind of loyalty, you need to create a memorable customer experience. Here’s how.


Ecommerce Roundup - TechCrunch Logo

PayPal Checkout can now be personalized to each shopper

Most shoppers have a short attention span. This means the number of clicks in the checkout process can be the difference between a completed purchase and an abandoned cart. To get shoppers from browsing to buying more quickly, PayPal recently launched Smart Payment Buttons. The new feature automatically displays the most relevant payment options for each individual customer. Learn more about the updated PayPal Checkout.

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Thoughts on this week’s ecommerce roundup? Feel free to leave a comment, post on our Facebook, or Tweet at us!


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Written by

James Messer

James Messer is a copywriter specializing in shipping, logistics, and ecommerce.

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