Talk Around Town: ShipStation Mobile with Miguel & Byron

More and more, we spend a lot of our time on mobile devices. From shopping, to playing games, to texting, SnapChatting, and taking pictures, most of us feel naked without a smartphone in our hand or pocket. ShipStation recognized that trend two years ago and launched ShipStation Mobile, our free iOS and Android app.
I had the opportunity to sit down with the two developers that built the apps for this week’s Talk Around Town, Miguel and Byron:
As promised, here are some helpful and handy tips to make sure you’re using ShipStation Mobile (and ShipStation in general) to be as efficient as possible:
- USPS & FedEx Rate Discounts: This blog of ours is updated regularly to include new discounts and ways to save. It includes the discounts you’ll receive via the free USPS postage account (included with your ShipStation subscription) and covers the FedEx Advantage program.
- Create Return Labels on Mobile: While our web app has given returns a brand new, branded returns portal, ShipStation Mobile makes sure you can handle returns from your mobile device. As always, don’t feel tied to your desktop.
- End of Day Forms: When you close out your USPS shipments on desktop, you have to print out a SCAN form for the mail carrier, otherwise they won’t be able to properly scan in all your shipments. ShipStation Mobile makes that simpler by letting you close out from the app AND providing you the SCAN form barcode on your mobile device, ready to be scanned.
- Available on iOS Tablets and Supports Metric Weights: Our Canadian, UK, and Australian users can utilize the time-saving benefits of having ShipStation in your pocket with metric weights now supported in-app.
- Learn even more about ShipStation Mobile: Check out our blog digging in to plenty more of ShipStation Mobile’s features.
- Increase Your Mobile Sales: This one may not be about ShipStation Mobile, but like I mention at the start of the video, mobile is taking over e-commerce. Here are a few ways to make sure you’re taking advantage and making those sales!