Use Social Media to Gain Halloween Treats

Halloween is an exciting time for boys and ghouls of all ages. After all, a holiday that offers you a chance to dress in costume, stay up late and eat sweet treats is hard to resist! Even before this autumn holiday arrives on October 31, popular social media sites will be filled with family photos, conversations, recipes and party invitations.

As a retailer, you can take advantage of the extra attention that adults, teens and children pay to social media in October. Here are eight tips that can help you to scare up some new customers this month:

  1. Post photos of your staffers in costume. Take advantage of this opportunity to personalize your team members so customers know your online store is more than an anonymous online address.
  2. Run a holiday promotion on social media. Yellow or orange products – or something that resembles a pumpkin – would be well suited for a Halloween promotion. Don’t be afraid to be creative, such as turning a soccer ball into a jack-o-lantern or a ream of copy paper into “autumn leaves” when designing your promotion.
  3. Hold a Halloween photo contest. Send an email blast to your customers inviting them to send in their favorite photo – with extra points for originality – to win a free product.
  4. Post a blog about the “most frightening” aspect of ordering online, and then show how your company addresses that concern. For instance, many customers worry about credit card security or packages getting lost in the shipping process. Take a look back at your customers’ comments and respond with an upbeat column – perhaps with a guest author like “Wonder Woman” or “Captain America.”
  5. Organize a Halloween party for children in your community in partnership with a local charitable or civic organization. Let online visitors know about your plans in advance of the event, and post plenty of party photos afterwards. Along with giving back to your community, you’ll also build a positive reputation as a caring and concerned company.
  6. Grab a great Halloween hashtag on Twitter and start tweeting several times a day. Many people search Twitter for content, and you want them to find you and become aware of what your store has in stock.
  7. Dress up your website with a cool Halloween theme. You could change the colors, add a row of pumpkins or have a series of “ghosts” move across the landing page. Hint: this strategy can also work well on other holidays throughout the year. One of our eCommerce partners, Volusion, has even put together some free Halloween images you can use.
  8. Engage customers with a celebrity-oriented costume contest. Could you resist an opportunity to pick out the perfect Halloween costume for a famous athlete, actor or musician? The possibilities here are almost endless!

Finally, keep things fun. Whether you’re offering a promotion, running a contest, or inviting people to tell scary stories, be sure you keep things upbeat on social media. You should also have someone double-check your creative ideas before going live, just in case you’ve missed something. But whatever approach you take, give your customers an enjoyable and engaging Halloween social media experience.