Holiday Gift Guides & P.R.

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Did you know that 4th quarter Holiday Gift Guide publicity placements can lead to many thousands of dollars in additional sales? Some top magazines stop accepting product pitches as early as July because they work so far in advance. Learn insider tips by P.R. guru Margie Zable Fisher.

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How to deliver a best-in-class experience for holiday season


Moving to ShipStation’s New Layout

Learn more about ShipStation’s new layout, improved functionality, and exciting new features by watching our webinar “Migrating To ShipStation’s New Layout.”...

prepping for the holidays
Prepping for the Holidays: eCommerce Shipping, Management, and Branding

With the holiday season upon us, it’s time to get your seasonal game plan together.


Zapier Part 2: How to Build a Custom Zap

DataAutomation is back again to bring ShipStation users their expertise on developing Zapier automations. This time we’ll get a walkthrough of how to build custom zaps, utilize searches and filters, and develop workflows beyond 2 steps. Do...


Tapping the Subscription eCommerce Growth

Join us for a free webinar where LemonStand’s VP of Growth, Ross Paul shares his perspective on this fast-growing market.

On Demand

Hermes and ShipStation Webinar
Hermes & ShipStation: Improving customer satisfaction through better order and delivery management

Figures show online shopping has surged more than 120% due to coronavirus, meaning customer experience has never been more important to your business, but that doesn’t mean it is easy. Our experts are here today to discuss how early communic...


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