Beverly Swimwear
From a desire to have modest, affordable swimsuits for her life on the beach, Beverly created her own line of swimwear. Now she helps others just like her with her fabulous offerings.
BeverlySwimwear.comFrom where did the idea to create your own line of swimwear come?
I grew up on the coast of southern California. My life has been filled with perfect weather and beautiful beaches. I love to design, style, and create clothes. I have been sewing for most of my life, whether it was helping my mom with her quilting or creating my own clothing. Growing up in San Diego I’ve spent a large part of my life in swimsuits. Like everyone else, I always struggled to find modest swimsuits that I loved and that I could also afford. I knew I could help solve this problem not only for myself, but also for the many others that are searching for cute modest swimwear. Once I graduated I started a new venture by creating my own business, Beverly Swimwear, an online shop that sells cute modest swimwear, giving people more options of styles at a reasonable price.
What have been some of the struggles you’ve had to overcome with running your own business?
Some of my main struggles being a business owner have been making sure I am getting the priorities of the business in the proper order and than managing each task effectively as possible. I started this business solely on my own and have been learning each step of the way. Whether it is deciding on the supplier of fabrics, how to package/ship my products, and how to market my company, I have all learned through trial and error.
How did you find ShipStation?
I was referred to ShipStation by my friend Nick Brooks, of MyGo Mount.
How has ShipStation impacted your business?
ShipStation has made my packing shipping station so easy, quick, and effective. I love being able to print labels at home. And ShipStation really helps me manage what items have been shipped and all the new orders that come in daily. It is easy to use and effective with all the orders/shipments being well-organized and easy to search through and access.
What’s your favorite ShipStation feature?
My favorite ShipStation feature is all the customer information it stores. It makes it very easy to resend to a previous customer when making a new order to ship. Also I like how easy it is to alter customers’ info like the shipping address.
ShipStation has made my packing shipping station so easy, quick, and effective.