The Global Pulse: Ecommerce After COVID-19

United Kingdom

Your guide to how the COVID-19 has impacted ecommerce in the UK and around the world. Learn how buyer behaviours have shifted throughout the pandemic and how you can adapt to better meet expectations.

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We surveyed 500 online shoppers across the United Kingdom, and over 2,000 around the world, to better understand how COVID-19 has shaped ecommerce buyer behaviours. Download the full research study to learn how you can keep up with the growing expectations.

Key findings include:

  • Online spending is on the rise. 42% of consumers expect to spend more in 2021 than they did in 2020.
  • 65% of consumers say they plan to shop online vs. in-store even after the pandemic ends. Only 36% of consumers say they have started shopping in stores.
  • 72% of consumers say they expect retail stores to offer click and collect delivery options indefinitely.
  • Nearly all respondents say they expect brands to provide full visibility into expected shipping timelines before making any online purchase

Download the Research

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