Save up to 68% on Shipping with FedEx
Create the ultimate delivery experience for your small-to-medium-sized ecommerce business with FedEx on ShipStation! Tap into FedEx’s extensive global network of hubs and resources, making shipping within Canada, to the U.S., and to over 220 countries and territories worldwide affordable and hassle-free. Trusted by businesses for half a century, FedEx ensures exceptional delivery service for your customers. And now, we’re thrilled to announce that FedEx is part of ShipStation Carriers, offering incredible discounts of up to 68% on label fees.
Benefits of Shipping With FedEx
FedEx provides a variety of benefits to merchants looking to grow their ecommerce options. From their drop-off locations all over Canada to their tracking and delivery options, customers across the globe can receive their parcels affordably and quickly.
Convenient dropoff and pickup locations: With over 1,200 locations across Canada, merchants and customers alike can coordinate a simple, stress-free shipping experience. For an up-to-date resource of all current FedEx locations, check their location finder.
Advanced tracking options: FedEx provides an incredible delivery experience for your customers. Their door-to-door tracking provides customers with picture proof of delivery which helps deliver orders in a reliable, clear manner.
Unlock seamless global expansion: FedEx offers affordable and reliable international shipping for parcels headed to the US, or anywhere else! With increased savings, growing a global customer base is simpler than ever. Additionally, paperless commercial invoices save time and expedite shipping cross-border to the US or around the globe.
Seamlessly connect to a wide array of domestic and international services with FedEx on ShipStation.
FedEx Intra-Canada services available :FedEx Ground®FedEx EconomyFedEx 2Day®FedEx Standard Overnight®FedEx Priority Overnight®FedEx First Overnight® |
FedEx International services available:FedEx International Economy®FedEx International Priority® ExpressFedEx International Ground®FedEx International Priority®FedEx International First® |
Advantages of Using FedEx with ShipStation
FedEx and ShipStation work great together to save you time and money on fulfillment and shipping. From automated shipping features, to a robust network of carrier services, to rate shopping, businesses of all sizes and needs are able to reduce errors and increase efficiency in the fulfillment process.
Automate Your Shipping
ShipStation allows you to automate many of the repetitive steps that may otherwise require manual entry. Options like automatically applying shipping presets, sending shipping confirmation, and sending tracking data to customers and original selling channels are done behind the scenes. All you have to do is click “print.”
ShipStation Carriers Save You Money
ShipStation’s close relationship with global shipping leaders like Canada Post, FedEx and UPS allow us to provide you seamless shipping functionality at unbeatable prices. With ShipStation Carriers, you can print postage for many carriers and access massive savings label fees. All the postage is paid through a single postage balance—streamlining purchasing and bookkeeping.
ShipStation Carriers provides you with a range of services at discounted prices, including
- FedEx: Up to 68%
- UPS: Up to 68%
- Canpar: Up to 45%
- Purolator: Up to 40%