API Root

This endpoint is responsible for telling ShipStation a number of things sbout your Custom Store such as:

  • What version of the Custom Store spec you have implemented.
  • What endpoints you have chosen to implement and their corresponding HTTP methods.

Example Request

The ShipStation call to your root endpoint will be a simple GET request with no parameters and will use whatever authentication scheme you've enabled.

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: api.my-store.com/
Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==

Example Response

Your JSON response to the ShipStation request should have the following structure.

Info The final endpoints such as /, /events, and /orders are hardcoded and cannot be changed, the preceding url path, such as in the example below (https://api.my-store.com) is what is configurable by you.

  "spec_version": "1.0.0",
  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://api.my-store.com",
      "allow": ["GET"]
    "orders": {
      "href": "https://api.my-store.com/orders",
      "allow": ["GET"]
    "events": {
      "href": "https://api.my-store.com/events",
      "allow": ["POST"]

Response Field Definitions

Name Type Required? Description
spec_version string Yes The spec version of the Custom Store your web endpoints support.
links object Yes Object with the properties of function names your web endpoints implement. self and orders are required, and events is recommended.
links.self object Yes Contains HTTP route and method object for the root / endpoint.
links.self.href string Yes Contains the url string of the root / endpoint's route.
links.self.allow string[] Yes Contains the methods that are allowed for the root / endpoint
links.orders object Yes Contains HTTP route and method object for the root /orders endpoint.
links.orders.href string Yes Contains the url string of the root /orders endpoint's route.
links.orders.allow string[] Yes Contains the methods that are allowed for the root /orders endpoint
links.events object No Contains HTTP route and method object for the root /events endpoint.
links.events.href string No Contains the url string of the root /events endpoint's route.
links.events.allow string[] No Contains the methods that are allowed for the root /events endpoint