Sigmund: The Smart eCommerce

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear “Sigmund”? We think smart and understands the human psychology.
That’s exactly what our newest partner, Sigmund, is like.
But why Poutine?
Sigmund is a digital firm based out of Quebec focused on designing and developing engaging web and mobile solutions tailored to their customers’ complex business reality. They pride themselves in being able to seamlessly connect your website to your ecosystem third-party systems, creating next-level user experience. While they specialize in understanding your visitors’ needs, they also help you capitalize on your eCommerce potential.
So how could we not partner with people who appreciate good poutine, spectacular customer service, and great design and development?
What makes them so Sigmund smart?
- Research and design – Their approach places your users at the center of the digital experience to foster engagement and drive them to action.
- Strategy – Your digital opportunities are multiple, Sigmund is on a mission to help you see more clearly and feed you with personalized marketing strategies based on your business goals.
- Programming – Their methodology is rigorous and supported by advanced open source technologies. For them, there is no question of compromising on the quality or safety of what they develop.
We hope you’re as excited as we are about how ShipStation and our poutine loving friends will transform your eCommerce experience from design to fulfillment.
Learn more about the Sigmund and ShipStation Partnership and follow the link below to begin your free ShipStation trial today!