Add Tag To Order

Adds a tag to an order.


  • You'll need an orderId to make this API call.
  • Find that orderId in your Response from the Create/Update Order call if you are creating the orders via OpenAPI.
  • If you’re importing orders from a marketplace, you can list orders and find the orderId using one of the endpoints in a List Orders By Tag call.
  • You'll need a tagId to make this API call.

The body of this request should specify the following attributes:

Name Data Type Description
orderId number Identifies the order that will be tagged.

tagId number Identifies the tag that will be applied to the order.


Example Request

POST /orders/addtag HTTP/1.1
Authorization: __YOUR_AUTH_HERE__
Content-Type: application/json

  "orderId": 123456,
  "tagId": 1234

Example Response

  "success": true,
  "message": "Tag added successfully."