Create Warehouse

Adds a Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse) to your account.

NOTE In the API, the endpoint is called warehouse, but the process actually affects Ship From locations on the application side of operations.

The body of this request should specify the following attributes:

Name Data Type Description
warehouseName string Name of Ship From Location.

originAddress Address The origin address.

Shipping rates will be calculated from this address. Use the Address model.

returnAddress Address The return address.

If a "returnAddress" is not specified, your "originAddress" will be used as your "returnAddress". Use the Address model.

isDefault boolean Specifies whether or not this will be your default Ship From Location.


Example Request

POST /warehouses/createwarehouse HTTP/1.1
Authorization: __YOUR_AUTH_HERE__
Content-Type: application/json

  "warehouseName": "New Ship From Location",
  "originAddress": {
    "name": "NM Warehouse",
    "company": "White Sands Co.",
    "street1": "4704 Arabela Dr.",
    "street2": null,
    "street3": null,
    "city": "Las Cruces",
    "state": "NM",
    "postalCode": "80012",
    "country": "US",
    "phone": "512-111-2222",
    "residential": true
  "returnAddress": null,
  "isDefault": false

Example Response

  "warehouseId": 17977,
  "warehouseName": "New Ship From Location",
  "originAddress": {
    "name": "NM Warehouse",
    "company": "White Sands Co",
    "street1": "4704 Arabela Dr.",
    "street2": "",
    "street3": "",
    "city": "Las Cruces",
    "state": "NM",
    "postalCode": "88012",
    "country": "US",
    "phone": "512-111-2222",
    "residential": true
  "returnAddress": {
    "name": "NM Warehouse",
    "company": "White Sands Co",
    "street1": "4704 Arabela Dr.",
    "street2": "",
    "street3": "",
    "city": "Las Cruces",
    "state": "NM",
    "postalCode": "88012",
    "country": "US",
    "phone": "512-111-2222",
    "residential": null
  "createDate": "2014-10-21T08:11:43.8800000",
  "isDefault": false