List Orders

Obtains a list of orders that match the specified criteria. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:

URL format with filters:

Name Data Type Description
customerName string Returns orders that match the specified name.

itemKeyword string Returns orders that contain items that match the specified keyword. Fields searched are Sku, Description, and Options.

createDateStart string Returns orders that were created in ShipStation after the specified date.

createDateEnd string Returns orders that were created in ShipStation before the specified date

customsCountryCode string The default two-letter ISO Origin Country code for the Product.

modifyDateStart string Returns orders that were modified after the specified date.

modifyDateEnd string Returns orders that were modified before the specified date

orderDateStart string Returns orders greater than the specified date.

orderDateEnd string Returns orders less than or equal to the specified date.

orderNumber string Filter by order number, performs a "starts with" search.

orderStatus string Filter by order status. If left empty, orders of all statuses are returned.

  • awaiting_payment
  • awaiting_shipment
  • pending_fulfillment
  • shipped
  • on_hold
  • cancelled
  • rejected_fulfillment

paymentDateStart string Returns orders that were paid after the specified date.

paymentDateEnd string Returns orders that were paid before the specified date.

storeId number Filters orders to a single, identified store.

Call List Stores to obtain a list of storeIds.

sortBy string Sort the responses by a set value.
  • OrderDate
  • ModifyDate
  • CreateDate

The response will be sorted based off the ascending dates (oldest to most current.) If left empty, the response will be sorted by ascending orderId.

sortDir string Sets the direction of the sort order.
  • ASC
  • DESC

page string Page number.

pageSize string Requested page size.

Max value is 500.


Example Request

GET /orders?customerName=customerName&itemKeyword=itemKeyword&createDateStart=createDateStart&createDateEnd=createDateEnd&modifyDateStart=modifyDateStart&modifyDateEnd=modifyDateEnd&orderDateStart=orderDateStart&orderDateEnd=orderDateEnd&orderNumber=orderNumber&orderStatus=orderStatus&paymentDateStart=paymentDateStart&paymentDateEnd=paymentDateEnd&storeId=storeId&sortBy=sortBy&sortDir=sortDir&page=page&pageSize=pageSize HTTP/1.1
Authorization: __YOUR_AUTH_HERE__

Example Response

  "orders": [
      "orderId": 987654321,
      "orderNumber": "Test-International-API-DOCS",
      "orderKey": "Test-International-API-DOCS",
      "orderDate": "2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000",
      "createDate": "2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000",
      "modifyDate": "2015-08-17T09:24:16.4800000",
      "paymentDate": "2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000",
      "shipByDate": "2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000",
      "orderStatus": "awaiting_shipment",
      "customerId": 63310475,
      "customerUsername": "[email protected]",
      "customerEmail": "[email protected]",
      "billTo": {
        "name": "Sherlock Holmes",
        "company": null,
        "street1": null,
        "street2": null,
        "street3": null,
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "postalCode": null,
        "country": null,
        "phone": null,
        "residential": null,
        "addressVerified": null
      "shipTo": {
        "name": "Sherlock Holmes",
        "company": "",
        "street1": "221 B Baker St",
        "street2": "",
        "street3": null,
        "city": "London",
        "state": "",
        "postalCode": "NW1 6XE",
        "country": "GB",
        "phone": null,
        "residential": true,
        "addressVerified": "Address not yet validated"
      "items": [
          "orderItemId": 136282568,
          "lineItemKey": null,
          "sku": "Ele-1234",
          "name": "Elementary Disguise Kit",
          "imageUrl": null,
          "weight": {
            "value": 12,
            "units": "ounces"
          "quantity": 2,
          "unitPrice": 49.99,
          "taxAmount": null,
          "shippingAmount": null,
          "warehouseLocation": "Aisle 1, Bin 7",
          "options": [],
          "productId": 11780610,
          "fulfillmentSku": "Ele-1234",
          "adjustment": false,
          "upc": null,
          "createDate": "2015-08-17T09:24:14.78",
          "modifyDate": "2015-08-17T09:24:14.78"
          "orderItemId": 136282569,
          "lineItemKey": null,
          "sku": "CN-9876",
          "name": "Fine White Oak Cane",
          "imageUrl": null,
          "weight": {
            "value": 80,
            "units": "ounces"
          "quantity": 1,
          "unitPrice": 225,
          "taxAmount": null,
          "shippingAmount": null,
          "warehouseLocation": "Aisle 7, Bin 34",
          "options": [],
          "productId": 11780609,
          "fulfillmentSku": null,
          "adjustment": false,
          "upc": null,
          "createDate": "2015-08-17T09:24:14.78",
          "modifyDate": "2015-08-17T09:24:14.78"
      "orderTotal": 387.97,
      "amountPaid": 412.97,
      "taxAmount": 27.99,
      "shippingAmount": 35,
      "customerNotes": "Please be careful when packing the disguise kits in with the cane.",
      "internalNotes": "Mr. Holmes called to upgrade his shipping to expedited",
      "gift": false,
      "giftMessage": null,
      "paymentMethod": null,
      "requestedShippingService": "Priority Mail Int",
      "carrierCode": "stamps_com",
      "serviceCode": "usps_priority_mail_international",
      "packageCode": "package",
      "confirmation": "delivery",
      "shipDate": "2015-04-25",
      "holdUntilDate": null,
      "weight": {
        "value": 104,
        "units": "ounces"
      "dimensions": {
        "units": "inches",
        "length": 40,
        "width": 7,
        "height": 5
      "insuranceOptions": {
        "provider": null,
        "insureShipment": false,
        "insuredValue": 0
      "internationalOptions": {
        "contents": "merchandise",
        "customsItems": [
            "customsItemId": 11558268,
            "description": "Fine White Oak Cane",
            "quantity": 1,
            "value": 225,
            "harmonizedTariffCode": null,
            "countryOfOrigin": "US"
            "customsItemId": 11558267,
            "description": "Elementary Disguise Kit",
            "quantity": 2,
            "value": 49.99,
            "harmonizedTariffCode": null,
            "countryOfOrigin": "US"
        "nonDelivery": "return_to_sender"
      "advancedOptions": {
        "warehouseId": 98765,
        "nonMachinable": false,
        "saturdayDelivery": false,
        "containsAlcohol": false,
        "mergedOrSplit": false,
        "mergedIds": [],
        "parentId": null,
        "storeId": 12345,
        "customField1": "SKU: CN-9876 x 1",
        "customField2": "SKU: Ele-123 x 2",
        "customField3": null,
        "source": null,
        "billToParty": null,
        "billToAccount": null,
        "billToPostalCode": null,
        "billToCountryCode": null
      "tagIds": null,
      "userId": null,
      "externallyFulfilled": false,
      "externallyFulfilledBy": null
      "orderId": 123456789,
      "orderNumber": "TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS",
      "orderKey": "0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74",
      "orderDate": "2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000",
      "createDate": "2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000",
      "modifyDate": "2015-08-17T09:21:59.4430000",
      "paymentDate": "2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000",
      "shipByDate": "2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000",
      "orderStatus": "awaiting_shipment",
      "customerId": 37701499,
      "customerUsername": "[email protected]",
      "customerEmail": "[email protected]",
      "billTo": {
        "name": "The President",
        "company": null,
        "street1": null,
        "street2": null,
        "street3": null,
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "postalCode": null,
        "country": null,
        "phone": null,
        "residential": null,
        "addressVerified": null
      "shipTo": {
        "name": "The President",
        "company": "US Govt",
        "street1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave",
        "street2": "Oval Office",
        "street3": null,
        "city": "Washington",
        "state": "DC",
        "postalCode": "20500",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "555-555-5555",
        "residential": false,
        "addressVerified": "Address validation warning"
      "items": [
          "orderItemId": 128836912,
          "lineItemKey": "vd08-MSLbtx",
          "sku": "ABC123",
          "name": "Test item #1",
          "imageUrl": null,
          "weight": {
            "value": 24,
            "units": "ounces"
          "quantity": 2,
          "unitPrice": 99.99,
          "taxAmount": null,
          "shippingAmount": null,
          "warehouseLocation": "Aisle 1, Bin 7",
          "options": [
              "name": "Size",
              "value": "Large"
          "productId": 7239919,
          "fulfillmentSku": null,
          "adjustment": false,
          "upc": null,
          "createDate": "2015-07-16T14:00:34.823",
          "modifyDate": "2015-07-16T14:00:34.823"
          "orderItemId": 128836913,
          "lineItemKey": null,
          "sku": "DISCOUNT CODE",
          "name": "10% OFF",
          "imageUrl": null,
          "weight": {
            "value": 0,
            "units": "ounces"
          "quantity": 1,
          "unitPrice": -20.55,
          "taxAmount": null,
          "shippingAmount": null,
          "warehouseLocation": null,
          "options": [],
          "productId": null,
          "fulfillmentSku": null,
          "adjustment": true,
          "upc": null,
          "createDate": "2015-07-16T14:00:34.823",
          "modifyDate": "2015-07-16T14:00:34.823"
      "orderTotal": 194.43,
      "amountPaid": 218.73,
      "taxAmount": 5,
      "shippingAmount": 10,
      "customerNotes": "Please ship as soon as possible!",
      "internalNotes": "Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping",
      "gift": true,
      "giftMessage": "Thank you!",
      "paymentMethod": "Credit Card",
      "requestedShippingService": "Priority Mail",
      "carrierCode": "fedex",
      "serviceCode": "fedex_home_delivery",
      "packageCode": "package",
      "confirmation": "delivery",
      "shipDate": "2015-07-02",
      "holdUntilDate": null,
      "weight": {
        "value": 48,
        "units": "ounces"
      "dimensions": {
        "units": "inches",
        "length": 7,
        "width": 5,
        "height": 6
      "insuranceOptions": {
        "provider": "carrier",
        "insureShipment": true,
        "insuredValue": 200
      "internationalOptions": {
        "contents": null,
        "customsItems": null,
        "nonDelivery": null
      "advancedOptions": {
        "warehouseId": 98765,
        "nonMachinable": false,
        "saturdayDelivery": false,
        "containsAlcohol": false,
        "mergedOrSplit": false,
        "mergedIds": [],
        "parentId": null,
        "storeId": 12345,
        "customField1": "Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!",
        "customField2": "Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below",
        "customField3": "",
        "source": "Webstore",
        "billToParty": null,
        "billToAccount": null,
        "billToPostalCode": null,
        "billToCountryCode": null
      "tagIds": null,
      "userId": null,
      "externallyFulfilled": false,
      "externallyFulfilledBy": null,
      "externallyFulfilledById": 12345,
      "externallyFulfilledByName": "Example Fulfillment Provider Name"
  "total": 2,
  "page": 1,
  "pages": 0