Shipstation ERP Integration

BPA Platform allows businesses to automatically synchronise data to and from ShipStation and your other cloud-based or on-premise business systems.

Codeless Platforms’ BPA Platform provides you with the ability to automatically read and write data between ShipStation and your ERP system to remove manual employee data entry.

Common integration scenarios can include:

• Adding and updating new/existing customers to your ERP from ShipStation including name, billing and shipping address etc.
• Add and update new/existing products to your ERP system from ShipStation including product SKU, weight, item cost, parcel dimensions, tariff code, country origin, product description etc.
• Add ShipStation orders to your ERP including Bill to/Ship to address, items, amount paid, tax, shipping amount, order origin
• Update orders when synchronized to your ERP system e.g. changes to order item, delivery date etc.
• Update order status between ShipStation and your ERP including orders cancelled in ShipStation to be removed from fulfilment
• Sync ShipStation tracking, shipping status and ‘proof of delivery’ to your ERP

Want to learn more about ShipStation?


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