Track Multiple Packages with Bulk Tracking

ShipStation is constantly adding new features to their shipping plans, making your shipping process easier. As part of our shipping solutions in efficiently tracking multiple packages we’re sharing one of ShipStation’s latest features: Bulk Tracking.
Bulk Tracking allows you to select a list of orders from the Shipments page, click the “Track Shipments” button and track multiple packages for USPS, UPS and FedEx all in one place!

Now, each shipment will be updated with an icon indicating its current status. Hovering over the tracking status icon allows you to view detailed information:

You can also filter your shipments by tracking status. This will help you to identify any problems in shipping before the customer reaches out to you.
One additional benefit of Bulk Tracking is to be able to identify Express Overnight shipments that have not been delivered by the guaranteed date and time. You are entitled to a full refund of the postage cost when this happens. Go try this feature for yourself and track multiple packages with ease, using UPS, USPS, and FedEx today!
Your free 30 day trial of ShipStation will give you full access to all our features. Simplify your shipping process today!