6 Useful Tips to Help Your Ecommerce Store Stand Out Online

This post was contributed by our partner, Bonanza. Bonanza is an award-winning ecommerce marketplace.

With oversaturation virtually everywhere you go online, it’s becoming increasingly important to differentiate yourself and stand out. Users face so much content daily. Making yours stand out as not only interesting but also trustworthy, is more challenging than you might think.
We have assembled six tips to help you learn how to position your ecommerce store in the most effective way.
1. Optimize Product Descriptions
Keep taglines and descriptions concise and informative. Remove any filler words that are redundant or unnecessary to the description. Keep the label simple and easy to read; let the designs speak for themselves through high quality photos. Name the product at its basic level first and add more precise descriptors later. This will allow shoppers to better sort through items and find what they need.
- Do This: Women’s t-shirt: striped, form-fitting
- Not This: BEAUTIFUL black & white striped t-shirt, vintage graphic on front, women’s
2. Use Quality Photography
There is nothing more grabbing than a great picture or video when browsing on the internet. Among copious content, an attractive image will stand out. Clear pictures give the users a better idea of exactly what to expect and will make them feel more secure buying your product. This is especially important when selling in marketplaces like Bonanza, eBay, or Wish.
Bonanza makes clear pictures easy with our Background Burner feature. This service helps you to create higher quality images by erasing the replacing the background of your image with an opaque white. This helps to remove distractions and help buyers focus on your product.
3. Share Products on Social Media
The average person spends 116 minutes a day on social media. People are shopping directly from social media channels like Facebook and Instagram more than ever. Offering your merchandise to your digital network creates a more convenient and tailored method for your customers to shop. The easier it is to buy, the more likely they are to do so.
When your goods are posted on social media, it’s easier for customers to interact with them. They can share or react to a post with their friends or followers. This is a simple approach to build credibility and receive reviews for your ecommerce store.
4. Care About the Customer
When customers can’t see or touch your product in person, it is crucial for them to see that your customer service and products are well-liked. A couple of five-star ratings proves you are trustworthy and reliable. The more patrons leave reviews, the more your credibility grows. Buyers trust other buyers. So be certain that customers have the best experiences with you and your products.
Pro Tip: Once items have been delivered, send the buyer a courtesy email. Ask if they’ve encountered any problems with their purchase. This extra act of kindness will convey that you care about your customers and their experiences with your company. In return for your outward concern, ask if they can post a review of your site. Small gestures like this can lead to astounding sales.
5. Encourage Social Sharing
Research shows that people today are more likely to buy items they’ve seen before on social media. According to a study by comScore and Facebook, people who liked Starbuck’s Facebook page or who had a Facebook friend who liked the page transacted 11% more frequently over the month. When a peer shares a past order, it inspires people to check out your merchandise and develop a positive rapport with them. Social sharing is free advertising so offer incentives to your customers’ participation.
Don’t forget: Your business can use a customer’s social post as content on your social channels too! Don’t forget to give the owner credit. This extra piece added to your content stream will help improve the reputation of your ecommerce store.
Social sharing is even more popular among Millennials. According to a study by WooCommerce, Millennials were more likely to purchase products if they were active social media sharers than their less active Millennial counterparts and the general population. Check out the stats in the graph below:

6. Offer a Good Return Policy
A store’s return policy is a major part of a person’s purchasing decision. There are many types of return policies: exchange only, store credit, full refunds, etc. It is essential to share your policy with your customers, no matter which one you use. A transparent return policy gives customers a sense of security. Security is a vital part of the purchasing journey. If a customer is deciding between buying an item at your store or a similar one at another, they will choose the one with the clear return policy. Make sure you’re the one they choose with a secure return policy.
Overall, growing your ecommerce store isn’t simple. After all, approximately 550,000 businesses launch every month and few survive past the first two years. The best technique to stand out is to embrace what makes your company different. Continuing to learn and test different strategies will help you see what works best for your business. You’ve put endless effort into your products, so don’t forget to designate the same energy into promoting them. Using these tips are some great first steps to creating a successful business.