Top 10 Blogs of 2015, Part I

The start of a new year is usually reserved for reflection, planning, and breath-catching. With good reason: we just came off the busiest shipping season in ecommerce. What better time to see how far you’ve come while figuring out where you want to be at the end of this year?
We’re no different at ShipStation. Part of that reflection is taking a glance back to see what our top blogs were last year. We have a pretty varied list that includes a User Success Story, plenty of new features, new partners, and good, old-fashioned advice.
Today, we’ll reveal 10 – 6 and next Monday we’ll show off 5 – 1. So without further adieu, number 10:
10) Getting Ship Done: A Holiday Contest. Announced with less than a month remaining in 2015, our Holiday Contest—rewarding Users’ hard work with free postage from and a few month of ShipStation—managed to sneak into the Top 10. Your response to the contest means you should keep your eyes peeled in 2016!
9) Six Weeks of Speed, Part II: Auto Rating. Towards the end of the year, we really strived to speed up your ShipStation experience. One of the features we released was Auto Rating: as long as you have service mappings set-up—or automation rules to apply a carrier, service, and package—ShipStation will automatically generate a rate for you when the orders import! Plus, we’ll update the rate as you change service and package.
8) ShipStation 101: Packing Slips & Pick Lists. ShipStation has a ton of features. Like, a ton. And sometimes, a few of those features resemble each other but once you dig in, you see the differences and strengths. Enter packing slips and pick lists, 2 documents that look mighty similar but whose purpose makes each one a valuable tool.
7) Six Weeks of Speed, Part IV: Scan to View. Another speed feature! Scan to view makes pulling up orders in your packing area or warehouse a breeze. As long as you have a scanner, you can print a barcode to packing slips, so as you pack, you can pull up the order from ANY screen in ShipStation.
6) Use Free Shipping to Drive Sales. Ecommerce is heading towards free shipping more and more every year. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to compete with the Amazons of the online world. We give you the reasons why and how to make free shipping make you money.
Tune in next Monday to see what the Top 5 Blogs of 2015 were!