Top 10 Blogs of 2015, Part II
Welcome to Part II of our Top Blogs of 2015. Last Monday, we saw 10 – 6. Here’s 5 – 1!
5) Introducing Unlimited Selling Channels. We’ve always known that the more selling channels you have, the more orders you have, the more revenue you have. And when we looked at our data? Turns out, folks with 4 selling channels have 8 times as many orders as those users with just 1. And these days, expanding is easy so don’t hold back in 2016.
4) Try OpenSky Co-Pilot. Co-Pilot combines an expert marketing team, data, and close partnerships with merchants and advertising channels to drive traffic for customers. The results? What some merchants describe as 4 times more effective marketing than marketplace advertising and 6 times more effective marketing than advertising they do on their own.
3) User Success Story | BEARD KING. The Beard Bib sure made an impression! We chatted with BEARD KING’s Nicholas Galekovic and if you’ve been paying attention, you might’ve just seen them get a deal on Shark Tank this past Friday! Congrats to BEARD KING and we can’t wait to help you get more ship done in 2016!
2) Delivery Emails & Estimates. With just a couple weeks to spare before Christmas, we introduced Delivery Emails (emails triggered once a package has been delivered) and Delivery Estimates (an estimated delivery date for a selected service). The estimates come from the carriers themselves and you can use those emails as a great way to garner product reviews, social media interactions, and send out coupons to ensure return business.
1) Holiday Shipping Infographic. No surprise with the #1 post of 2015. You shippers love our annual Shipping Cut-Off Infographic and this year was no different. We try and get you this information as soon as it’s available, so keep an eye out come mid-October this year for 2016’s cut-off dates!
And there you have it. The top blogs of 2015. It’ll be fun to check back in come January 2017 to see the Top 10 of 2016! Until then, we’ll be here to help you get more ship done.