Last Week with ShipStation, feat. User Success

You might’ve seen this little Instagram post of ours back on Wednesday:
Truly, what were we doing? Well, we took a little stroll down to Austin’s wonderful East 6th Street to pay a visit to Maggie Louise Confections. We’ll dig into Maggie Louise Confections and their story a good bit more in the coming month, but we want to talk about WHY we were there with giant lights and cardboard.
Without our users, ShipStation wouldn’t exist. We know that sounds obvious (and it is) but we exist because of you. We like to believe we help you become more efficient and in turn, sell more to ship more to make more money and live the kind of life you’ve always wanted.
When you do well, we want to a) hear about, and b) show you off. That’s why we’ve always had User Success Stories. We want to show you off—and share how you’re using ShipStation and how we’ve changed your operation. Not just to show you off and give you a chance to promote your business, but also so that your experiences and growth can help someone that is currently in a position you’ve been in.
So, we want you to submit a request for a User Success Story. And if we can, we want to produce a video about you, your story, your business, and how ShipStation fits in to all of that. That’s why we were at Maggie Louise Confections, sitting down to talk with Maggie and Kevin.

And if you haven’t yet, read up on Heyday Footwear and Henry’s House of Coffee, our two most recent User Success Stories. While you’re at it, subscribe to our latest version of Music to Get Ship Done, our Spotify playlist curated by our featured users.
Basically, User Success Stories are our way of giving a little back to you. Our way to say thanks for the hard work, thanks for using ShipStation, and thanks for helping us make it possible to help you get more ship done.