15 Genuinely Interesting Facts About Emoji Marketing

Emoji Marketing

July 17 is a pretty important day. Because it’s not just David Hasselhoff’s and Donald Sutherland’s birthday. It’s also World Emoji Day!

When Apple enabled the emoji keyboard on iOS devices in 2011, emojis had already been popular in Japan for over a decade. But once westerners had access to these little pictographs, emoji use increased exponentially.

In 2014, Jeremy Burge, emoji aficionado and founder of Emojipedia, declared July 17 World Emoji Day. Burge set July 17 as the date because it’s the date displayed on the original Apple iCal icon.

Recently, more and more brands have begun incorporating emojis into their marketing campaigns. So we decided to celebrate these modern hieroglyphs and their impact on the brand-consumer relationship.

Here are 15 awesome facts about emoji marketing.

2015: The Year of the Emoji

May 2015 – Domino’s creates a “tweet-to-order” system where customers can order pizza by tweeting Domino’s with the pizza emoji.

→ June 2015 – After amassing nearly 33,000 signatures on its Change.org petition, Taco Bell announces a taco emoji has been added to the Unicode Standard.

→ November 2015 – Oxford Dictionaries declares the “Face with Tears of Joy” emoji to be its Word of the Year.


→ More than 60 million emojis are used on Facebook every day.

→ And in Q3 2017, over half of the most popular Facebook headlines contained an emoji.

Emoji Marketing - Facebook Emojis


→ Nearly 60% of the top 500 brands on Twitter use emojis in their tweets.

→ Furthermore, tweets with emojis earn 25% higher engagement than tweets without.

Emoji Marketing - Top Tweeted Emojis by Country


→ Over 55% of all Instagram accounts use emojis.

→ Instagram posts with emojis get 47.7% more interactions than posts without emojis.

Emoji Marketing - Top Emojis on Instagram

Mobile Messaging

→ Push notifications that contain emojis have an 85% higher open rate than push notifications that don’t.

→ B2C messages with emojis are 4x more likely to elicit a response than an emoji-less message.

→ Including emojis in mobile consumer surveys can lower drop-off rates and improve survey satisfaction. Consequently, using emojis won’t hurt data quality.


As of June 2018, there are 2,823 emojis
in the Unicode Standard.


Gina Linetti Emojis

What are your experiences with emoji marketing? We’d love to hear your take. Leave us a comment, post on our Facebook, or Tweet at us!

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James Messer

James Messer

James Messer is a copywriter specializing in shipping, logistics, and ecommerce.