Introducing Bandcamp!

Our newest partner, Bandcamp, makes it easy for fans to directly connect with and support the artists they love. Their global music community enables fans to discover and connect with artists and record labels, and directly compensate them for their work. To date, fans have paid artists and labels over $225 million for music and merchandise through Bandcamp.
- Artists: Sell music and merchandise directly to your fans with total control over pricing and timing. Easy access to your customers’ data (including email and location), real-time stats, connect to labels, fully customizable template pages, music chart reporting, and more.
- Labels: Easy to customize label and artist template pages, unified accounting and stats across all your artists, a single editing interface for your entire catalog, support for merch fulfillment, direct payments, connect to existing artist accounts, tap into a giant thriving music community, and a whole lot more.
- Fans: Instantly access the music you’ve purchased, either via streaming or the optional high-quality download, buy vinyl, CDs, tickets, and t-shirts directly from artists, follow your favorite artists and labels, keep a wishlist, showcase your collection, and explore the music of like-minded fans.
Connect your Bandcamp account to Shipstation to collate all of your merchandise orders and streamline your shipping process.